Monday, June 2, 2008

Mommy's New Van

Sometimes I think of something and start to laugh to myself. For instance, today Mary could not fit her Dora doll in the seat of the Dora van. She became very frustrated so I just sat Dora on the van's floor and said to her that is how me and Aunt Mary sat in Poppa's or should I say Mooma's van. Mary quickly said I want to ride like than in Mooma's van. Lucky for all of us that van is long gone. I started to laugh just thinking about the silver van. It was sort of customized inside, by customized I mean insulated and sheet rocked. Although there was only 2 seats in the front, we didn't mind that meant more room for pillows and blankets in the back on long trips. I think somehow that made the long rides a little better since there was no windows back there. No air conditioning either. Oh and sometimes we even shared the back with our Rottweiler Reba. So there it was me, Mary, all the suitcases and a large dog. Yes, we still had tons of room. I remember wanting to decorate the inside with posters. We took that friggin' van everywhere since that was our only means of transportation. Unless Mommy was at Shop-Rite and we needed a ride then we got to go in Daddy's black work VAN. Not many people had SUV's when we were kids but then again not many people had vans as the family car either. Mommy drove her van everywhere, with her head held high, because it was new. Mary learned to drive in the van. I hated that van Mommy. I can still see it pulling up to St. Michael's to pick me up. Couldn't drive too many friends home in that. Maybe just one if we both squished on the seat. I think there was a compound bucket turned over in the middle that was a make shift third seat. In case of emergencies. Wait, it may have been a cooler filled with Rolling Rocks, not too sure. Anyway, it made for a funny memory. Have to go and drive Mary to school now in my Mercedes Benz but we all know she would really rather be in the Silver Van.

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